Dear former listeners of and radio people interested in Radio England, Britain Radio, Radio Dolfijn, Radio 227 and Radio 355!
The "Radio Rose of Texas" essay has now been completed, is over 100 pages long and is published on the web tomorrow, May 3rd, 2006, exactly 40 years after Radio England first hit the air on 845 kHz at 1030 am BST.
The reference is
The first effort of 2004, "Pickin'up "Boss" Vibrations" was recently updated and is still on the web at . Having had a large number of inputs and researched a lot of new material it was decided to rewrite and extend the whole story to all 5 stations. Besides correcting mistakes, including a lot of new facts, improving the diary elements, recordings log and extending onto all 5 stations of the Olga Patricia and what happened to the ship and transmitters-and personnell after August 6th, 1967 when R355 closed at 0022 hours.
Distinguished reader, if you know of any story, anecdote, biography or event, or if you have any photographs that you feel should be presented to the world through later editions of this essay, or if you know someone we should interview to get more information on this piece of radio history, please feel free to contact us.
If you worked with or on these stations in any respect, or have information from other sources, you are invited to give your input in text or pictures so that it may fit the outline in the essay.
Previously unknown unscoped mp3 recordings(if possible) are also sought(see updated list of recordings in "Pickin' up "Boss Vibrations"), as well as scoped airchecks, also in mp3 that may be displayed on the site. We only want sound material not published elsewhere. Please submit your text in Microsoft Word or for pictures,. jpg or .gif and email. Copyright issues must be resolved.
Contrasting views to those presented by the editor are welcomed, as they will add color and depth to the story, but the presentation will be balanced. If you find mistakes of any sort, please notify the editor.
An updated version is planned for November 13th, 2006 at 23.38 pm British time, to commemorate the 40 years anniversary of the final close down of Radio England.
Svenn on behalf of "Derek Burroughs, jr." editor of "The Radio Rose of Texas"
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