Email from frederic jodry
Scott, WBCQ`s main (7.415Mc) transmitter transmits two main groups of programs. Afternoons starting maybe 3PM, there are financial and religious programs. Comes 5PM Friday, the evening`s fare turns mostly to good, "eclectic" programs. Sir John Landry at 5- 6, Pab Subgenis at 6- 7, (horrible religious drone) 7- 8, Allen Weiner Worldwide at 8- 9, back to religious until maybe midnight, (pot luck) afterward. Saturday`s goodies quickly mentioned, TWIAR 4- 5, (skip 5- 6), Lumpy Gravy, which always starts with a "bang" 6- 7, Radio Timtron Worldwide 7- 8, Jennifer 8765309 8- 9, the champion eclectic program of the bunch is, Marion`s Attic 9- 10, Lost Disks Radio Show 10- 11, etc. It`s no wonder some of us don`t listen to the profitable religious (occasionally good and educational) and financial shows. It`s also a bit of a surprise whether some of the home made and home named shows are to one`s taste and tastes, for example, "The Piss and Moan Net/ Real Amateur Radio Show", Wednesday, is one I listen to and call in to. Sunday`s schedule is partly repeats, Glenn Hauser`s World Of Radio is Wednesday, 6- 7, right after Tim. It`s a good idea to look for pot luck if there`s time. The newest addition isn`t here yet. I`m trying to ready my children`s show for Mondays 6- 7AM, probably the 5110 KC transmitter, maybe the 7415. Allen won`t get paid if he airs it later in the day, again. My shows should appear on Clandestine SW transmitters, (not the web), 5- 6 or 6- 7AM, whatever frequency and morning, then WBCQ the following Monday. That ought to be a fun way to listen to the shows, twice. Highest in importance, tell listeners to donate to "Marion`s Attic" at home, (I hope you like the show,) as Marion doesn`t have enough money to follow me Tuesday, and is having a terrible time hanging on to the regular Saturday night costs. -More news but out of time. Fred |